- How to read job advertisements and prepare job interviews: what employers want and how to get there – Christian Dumpitak, HHU
- Story telling for Scientists: how to improve your abilities to disseminate scientific information – Ulrike Wolpers, Science Stories
- EURODOC: a short view of the network: how to make networking have a real impact on your career – Claudia Dobrinski, Secretary Coordinator EURODOC
- What means for the personal development to be active at associations like CERFA, ITWIIN or MCFA. The voice of the experience: Gianna Avellis, Innova Puglia, Italy, Christos Christoglou, Covestro, Germany, Tanya Romacho, CERFA NRW, Germany
At the end, there is a social event.
Sponsors 2017: the Heinrich-Heine-University (HHU) and the Association of Spanish Scientists in Germany (CERFA).
Draft programme: https://mcfa.eu/site3/.
Date: 18 February at 9:00 in Haus der Universität, Heinrich Heine Universität de Düsseldorf (Germany)
Prize: CERFA, HHU and MCFA members: for free. Other participants: 40 EUR.
Register following this link: http://bit.ly/2iHmyYu