1er congreso internacional en METABODY (26-31 Jul. 2013, Madrid), GRATUITO

Dentro del proyecto europeo Cultura “METABODY” se está organizando la primera Conferencia: Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, Embodiment and the Reversal of Cybernethics. 3.000 Years of Posthuman History. http://www.metabody.eu/conference.htm (más info en español, more info in English)

La conferencia es un contrapunto a las aproximaciones dominantes de los afectos y emociones, la percepción y el movimiento en diversos campos de ingeniería del poder, los cuerpos y lo social, abordando cuestiones centrales como: la Interacción Humano-Máquina, la robótica, la Inteligencia artificial, la realidad virtual, la arquitectura digital, la ingeniería genética, la nanotecnología, la biología, la fotografía, la televisión, la cinematografía, la comunicación audiovisual, las ciencias de la comunicación, las artes plásticas y escénicas, la prehistoria, la historia de la ciencia, cultural y de las emociones o la epistemología.
Propuestas:Si desea participar, envie su abstracts (máximo 500 palabras con nombre y afiliación en formato word o pdf) a: conference@metabody.eu
     Fecha límite: antes de 10 Junio 2013. 
          Inscripción: No se requiere pago de inscripción.
Submission: Abstracts of up to 500 words with name and affiliation in word of pdf format to: conference@metabody.eu
     Deadline: 10th June 2013
          No registration fee will be required.
  • teorías de los afectos affect theories
  • prehistoria e historia de la emociones: gestualidad y movimiento prehistory and history of emotions
  • historia de la fisiognomía y el gesto  history of animal and human emotions
  • afectos posthumanos y no humanos posthuman and non human affects
  • afectos y devenires “minoritarios” (queer, postcolonialidad, feminismos, discapacidades) minoritarian affects and embodiments (queer, postcoloniality, feminisms, disabilities)
  • historia de la Cibernética y la Información history of cybernetics and information
  • historia de la fotografía, la perspectiva, la geometría y la arquitectura history of photography, perspective, geometry and architecture
  • epistemología y ontología del movimiento epistemology and ontology of movement
  • genealogías de la percepción genealogies of perception,
  • geometría euclediana, perspectiva renacentista, interfases ubicuas euclidean geometry, renaissance perspective, ubiquitous interfaces
  • enacción, affordances, propiocepción, premovimiento y otros campos de neurociencias enaction, affordances, proprioception, premovement and other fields of cognitive science
  • afectos y percepción como procomunes/precomunes/metacomunes affects and perception as commons/precommons/metacommons
  • performance y metaformance, performatividad y metaformatividad performance and performativity, metaformance and metaformativity
  • posthumanismo, hiperhumanismo y metahumanismo posthumanism, hyperhumanism and metahumanism
  • simulación y análisis de emociones emotion simulation and analysis
  • (ir)reducibilidad de afectos y emociones a patrones universales de información (ir)reducibility of affects to universal patterns of emotion and information
  • embodiment (corporeización) e información embodiment and information
  • biopolítica y sociedad de control biopolitics and control society
  • nuevos materialismos, realismo especulativo y física cuántica new materialisms, agential realism and quantum physics
  • ontología relacional, ontologías del revenir relational ontology, ontologies of becoming
  • no-dualismos en prácticas corporales non-dualism in body practics
  • bioética, ética medial y kinética bioethics, media ethics and kinethics
  • robótica, inteligencia artificial y emociones robotics, artificial intelligence and emotions
  • ética cyborg cyborg ethics
  • ecología posthumana posthuman ecology

Apply for a job online: Three PhD Fellowships in Environmental Engineering and Process Modelling

Three years full salary for doing a PhD.

The Department of Environmental Engineering is looking for 3 PhD students for an international and cross-disciplinary research project (LaGas), with the objective to untangle the mystery behind biological production and consumption of N2O in waste water treatment operations

Positions at the Technical University of Denmark are available on the topics:
PhD 1: Development and implementation of a novel whole-plant quantification tool to estimate GHG emissions based on gas plume measurements. The student will use a very promising gas plume method to measure downwind N2O gas concentrations using a dynamic sampling approach. The concept behind this approach has earlier been applied to measure methane emissions from landfills. Emphasis will be on the development of a best practice guide for quantification of N2O emission from full-scale wastewater treatment plants by conducting measurements under different tracer configuration and meteorological conditions, and the best practice guide will be used to measure gas emissions at several sites under different management conditions of the plants.

PhD 2: Investigations on N2O production and emission at reactor-scale from conventional and innovative mainstream and side-stream nitrogen removal technologies. In collaboration with PhD 1, the student will measure and analyze N2O production and emission at reactor-scale at several full-scale WWTPs and in controlled laboratory settings. Comprehensive real-time on-line N2O measurements will be performed in both liquid and gas phase to continuously monitor and record the overall N2O emissions at WWTPs using different process configuration for nitrogen removal, and at different nitrogen loads, operational conditions and different seasons. The ultimate goal is obtain rigorous N2O footprints across a representative set of process configurations and operations.

PhD 3: Development and validation of physiochemical and biokinetic process models for N2O dynamics in wastewater. The PhD fellow will develop biokinetic process models for mixed autotrophic nitrifying, heterotrophic denitrifying and anammox communities, which will explicitly include dissolution and liquid-to-gas mass-transfer of N2O. Lab-scale experiments will be performed in collaboration with a post doctoral associate to estimate model parameters for all studied systems and calibrate and validate models. Model identification, calibration and evaluation exercises are carried out using laboratory- and full-scale measurements in close collaborations with PhD 2 and the PhD student at The University of Southern Denmark (please see Job Opportunities at LaGas). The models are subsequently explored for individual scenario analysis to identify best- and worst-case operational conditions. The candidate will mainly use several simulation platforms (Matlab®, Simulink® and WEST®).

More info in:

21-26 July 2013: Summer Course in Madrid: Biomolecules & Single Molecule Techniques

From 21st to 26th July, 2013 the XX Nicolás Cabrera Summer School 2013 is celebrated with an international event entitled: “BIOMOLECULES AND SINGLE MOLECULE TECHNIQUES”,
which will be held at Residencia la Cristalera (Miraflores de la Sierra, MADRID)
The purpose of this Summer School is to bring together renowned international researches with students and postodcs, and to provide a forum to present and discuss both theoretical and experimental single-molecule approaches applied to biology.
The school topics are:
  • Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Optical and magnetic tweezers
  • Single-molecule fluorescence techniques
  • Theory on soft matter
  • Single-molecule applications.


01    Philip Nelson/University of Pennsylvania, USA   
02    Toshio Ando/Kanazawa University, Japan
03    Erwin Peterman/Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
04    Felix Ritort/Universtitat de Barcelona, Spain   
05    Ulrich Keyser/University of Cambridge, UK   
06    Urs Greber/University of Zurich, Switzerland   
07    Fred MacKintosh/Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands   
08    Daniel Müller/ETH Zürich, Switzerland   
09    Ricardo Garcia/Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales (ICMM-CSIC), Madrid, Spain   
10    Rudolf Podgornik/Dept. of Theoretical Physics. Institut “Jo ef Stefan”,Slovenija   
11    Melike Lakadamyaly/The Institut of Photonic Sciences ICFO, Barcelona   
12    Jan Lipfert/Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands   
13    Mauricio García-Mateu/Centro de Biología Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain   
14    Iwan Schaap/Georg August Universität Friedrich Hund, Göttingen, Germany   
15    Arvind Raman/Purdue University, USA   
16    Wouter Roos/Vrije Unviersiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands   
17    Sergi Garcia-Manyes/King´s College London, UK   
18    Carolina Carrasco/Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), Madrid, Spain   
19    Alessandro Podesta/Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy   
20    Francesco Mantegazza/Universita’ di Milano/Bicocc   
21    Borja Ibarra/IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid, Spain   
22    Ricardo Arias-Gonzalez/IMDEA Nanociencia, Madrid, Spain
You can obtain further information and register at here
Abstract submission for poster presentation sessions are encouraged.
In addition, some abstracts will be selected  for short talks.
Application submission is now OPEN! The deadline for abstract submissions is June 5th 2013.
Biomolecules and Single Molecule Techniques
21-26 July 2013
Deadline for abstract submissions is June 5th 2013