Springer Nature makes key textbooks free

Only until July!

Springer Nature, one of the greatest scientific publishers, allows downloading for free more than 400 books (approx. 8 GB) from all fields of knowledge. You can find all of them in this Excel sheet:


These are complete books, written in English, some of them quite technical. They are in PDF (or ePub) and have no digital rights management (DRM), just a watermark outside the reading area. Thus, the books can be converted to any reading device, such as a tablet or e-book reader, using a software such as Calibre, which can convert PDF or ePub files to Amazon’s Kindle format.

How to download a book?

1: Find the book you are interested in in the excel sheet above. TIP: Use the drop down menu of the column “English Package Name” to filter by subject e.g. Behavioral Science, Biomedical and Life Sciences or Computer Science.

2: Once you found a book, follow the link in the column “OpenURL” of the excel sheet. Then click the download button.

Keep safe keep learning!

Alexgand made a python script to download them all: https://github.com/alexgand/springer_free_books

Source: https://group.springernature.com/gp/group/media/press-releases/freely-accessible-textbook-initiative-for-educators-and-students/17858180?utm_medium=social&utm_content=organic&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=SpringerNature_&sf232256230=1