Regadío M, Rosales J, Cabrera M, Thornton SF, Agrela F (2022) (invitation). Leaching methods for the environmental assessment of industrial waste before its use in construction, Ch. 23 in “Advances in Sustainable Materials and Resilient Infrastructure” Springer Nature, Singapore. Eds: KR Reddy, RK Pancharathi, NG Reddy, SR Arukala. pp 339-356 (ISBN: 978-981-16-9744-9, ISSN: 2363-7633). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-9744-9_23.
Batchu N K♦ and Regadío M♦ (2019) (invitation). Methodologies and Developments in the Analysis of REEs, Ch. 19 in “Critical and Rare Earth Elements: Recovery from Secondary Resources” Taylor & Francis (CRC Press Book). Eds: Abhilash and Ata Akcile. 365-374 pp (ISBN: 9780367086473 – CAT# K406790) DOI: 10.1201/9780429023545-19 (invitation) (♦Both authors have contributed equally). Ranked in JCR Journal Citation Report.
Regadío M (2014). A GIS model of optimal localization of turbot terrestrial aquaculture on the North-West coast of Spain. Lulu Enterprises, Inc. (ISBN: 5 800109 861626). 164 pp. In Spanish.
Regadío M (2012). Diffusion of Pollutants in Old Landfills Built over Clayey Substrata. PhD Thesis. Autónoma University of Madrid. 460 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10370.63682