SRUK/CERU (Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom/Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido) are looking for a Project Manager Assistant to assist in the successful delivery of the project CONNECTS-UK (CONNecting European Communities Through Science in UK), the first pan-EU platform in the UK aimed at fostering research and scientific collaborations between the EU and the UK. They are also looking for a Policy and Research Analyst to conduct policy research and data analysis within the project CONNECTS-UK.
Two job vacancies for policy and research opportunities.
Find out more about the roles here (Project Manager Assistant) and here (Policy and Research Analyst) and apply before 10th November.
Two open science platforms: Frontiers and Figshare are doing their part in the fight against the virus.
“The Frontiers community is mobilizing to help mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, Frontiers have launched our Coronavirus Knowledge Hub – here you will find the outputs of several new initiatives intended to coordinate and support the efforts of our community, as we confront the public-health, economic and societal effects of the rapidly spreading disease.
As part of this initiative, Frontiers is assembling many of the world’s leading coronavirus scientists and epidemiologists to participate in the Research Topic: ‘Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Clinical Management and Public Health Response’. This article collection will highlight how interdisciplinary research can provide insights into the COVID-19 epidemic, addressing knowledge gaps and generating evidence for its improved management and control.
Frontiers has also waived Article Processing Charges (APCs) and established a priority peer-review process for manuscripts submitted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will further help ensure robust scientific research becomes openly available as soon as possible, for other researchers to build on and to enable evidence-based decision-making for public authorities worldwide.
As we pull together as a community – calmly, responsibly, and resolutely – during this COVID-19 outbreak, Frontiers is keen to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to send your ideas for new research directions, stakeholder engagement and initiatives around coronavirus and the current global health crisis. Making science open has never been more essential to global well-being and Frontiers thank you for your contribution and dedication”
Figshare is also committed to continuing to provide a platform to share the latest research on an international scale. As such, Figshare will continue to supply and maintain our normal service during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are also in a unique position to help the research community during this time so the team has been working on some new initiatives to aid the rapid dissemination of research in any form, be it preprints, datasets, presentations, or software. The significance of sharing research is vitally important, now more than ever, which is why we want to help in any way we can. To allow researchers to publish any COVID-19 related research, we’re launching a free portal at
All researchers will need to do is create an account on Figshare and upload content with COVID-19 as one of the keywords on their metadata form and we’ll pull it into the COVID-19 Open Research Portal.
Please note, if your institution uses Figshare as a data or institutional repository, please continue to use that platform to store and share your COVID-19 research. COVID-19 research stored in institutional Figshare platforms will also be aggregated into
On 12th of March, the Organizing Committee, being its primary concern the health and wellbeing of everyone, has decided to postpone the International Symposium until the WHO declares that the risk related to COVID-19 has disappeared. As soon as we know the new date, we will publish it, in order for you to have greater certainty about your travel schedule and plans.
Date to be confirmed!!! The VIII International Symposium SRUK/CERU (new date different from 10-12 of July) to be hold in Oxford! With its theme “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” (A. C. Clark), we will look into how science has evolved in a way that was very difficult to imagine in a not so distant past. More details to follow, here and on SRUK social media.
Speakers on Leadership, Science Policy, Science Divulgación (youtuber, ) Grant proposals, Resilience for researchers wellbeing, Time Management… Be ready to develop soft and hard skills and meet other colleagues to share goals and maximise opportunities and benefits.
‘El enigma Agustina’ is a 2018 documentary about Agustina Ruiz Dupont, a fictional Spanish scientist that fought to break her way into the male-dominated scientific community of her time (1900-1930). The film is followed by a round table discussion about the topic ‘Women in Science: past, present, and future’, with the leading actors in attendance.
When? Friday 12 Apr 2019, 18:30 until 22:00. Where?: Muntpunt, De Wolken +5, Munt 6, 1000 Brussels.
The Marie Curie Alumni Association, in collaboration with EuroScientist, hosted a round table on “Responsible Research and Innovation: a check-up” on March 2018. The full event was recorded and is available here.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has become a buzzword in European science in the last few years. Scientists must fill in the RRI section in their European project, and sometimes they do not know what to write there. Others are anxious to have the RRI tag attached to their communication and PR activities. But what really is RRI? Why is it needed? How could science and society benefit from this approach? The strict definition of RRI implies a radical change in the way of conceiving scientific projects from the very beginning, bringing a wide range of stakeholders (from companies to activists, from designers to patients…) in defining the scientific agenda. Are researchers prepared for that? What is the actual level of implementation of RRI in European science? What policies are there in place to facilitate this process?
Making science count in policy making
Representatives of the most important stakeholders participated in the round table:
Rosina Malagrida, La Caixa Foundation, RRI Tools project
Gerrit Rauws, Director at King Baudouin Foundation
Anne Loeber, NewHoRRIzon consortium
The round table is moderated by Dr. Michele Catanzaro (physicist, freelance science journalist for Nature, El Periódico, and other outlets).
This is a free on-line (only) event organized by the Marie Curie Alumni Association, in collaboration with EuroScientist.
“DISCOVER, INNOVATE, BE GLOBAL: Opportunities under the new EU financial framework”, es un taller GRATUITO acerca de la más reciente y relevante información sobre Programas de financiación de la Unión Europea para la I+D+i en 2014; que se realizará el 5 y 6 de noviembre de 2013 en el Auditorio Distrito Telefónica, (Madrid).
Se presentarán los nuevos programas de financiación de la Unión Europea para la I+D+i en 2014, Horizonte 2020 y Erasmus Plus, con un enfoque centrado en la Innovación.
Está orientado a la Universidad-Empresa como elemento clave de la participación en programas internacionales. Los ponentes son figuras, internacionales y españoles, que actualmente destacan en el desarrollo de la política científica europea.
Las jornadas están abiertas a todo el público y especialmente a: instituciones académicas, investigadores, empresas, asociaciones empresariales, líderes de opinión y representantes de administraciones regionales, nacionales y europeas. El evento se desarrollará en inglés con traducción simultánea.
Inscripciones: aquí (hasta completar aforo de 300 asistentes)
Me encanta el reproche merecido y justo de un “por la boca muere el pez” de: <en el contexto actual de la investigación en España no entiendo los conceptos “incentivación”, “incorporación” e “intensificación”>
la ironía en: <Recopilar esa documentación fue una labor de investigación tremendamente gratificante.>
la observación alentadora a la par que dolorosa en: <la ciencia que yo haga ya no será española, ni será gracias a España; seguiré haciendo ciencia a pesar de España.>
Y la chispa de burla-humor en: “I+D significaba Investigación y Desarrollo.“