‘El enigma Agustina’ is a 2018 documentary about Agustina Ruiz Dupont, a fictional Spanish scientist that fought to break her way into the male-dominated scientific community of her time (1900-1930). The film is followed by a round table discussion about the topic ‘Women in Science: past, present, and future’, with the leading actors in attendance.
When? Friday 12 Apr 2019, 18:30 until 22:00.
Where?: Muntpunt, De Wolken +5, Munt 6, 1000 Brussels.
Book your place: Here

Organizer: Científicos Españoles en Bélgica (CEBE) in collaboration with FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia Y Tecnología), the Spanish Embassy in Belgium (Spain Arts and Culture) & Muntpunt