- 5% por pronto pago, para los matriculados antes del 3 de noviembre de 2013
- 10% para desempleados, (se pedirá comprobante oficial)
- 30% para antiguos alumnos de la Escuela de Unidad Editorial
- 30% para asociados de la Asociación de Periodistas de Información Ambiental
In order to create systems of information exchange between journalists and to improve the quality of this specialty information, the First International Conference on Environmental Journalism “Towards sustainable coverage” has arisen, driven by ECOEMBES and the School of Journalism and Editorial communication Unit.
Location: Madrid.
Organizer: EL MUNDO, collaborating ECOEMBES.
Contact: informacion@escuelaunidadeditorial.es, Tel. 91 443 51 67
Inscrición: here. 110 €, Discounts:
5% early payment for enrollments before November 3, 2013
10% unemployed (official receipt will be asked)
30% for alumni of the School of Publishing Unit
30% for partners of the Association of Journalists Environmental Information
Date: 02/12/2013 to 04/12/2013, 09:00 to 15:00 (18 hours).