“Hydrogeoday” 10 March, Coruña 2018

This Saturday 10th of March, the Asociación Española de Hidrogeólogos (Spanish Association of Hydrogeologists) organizes the “Hydrogeoday”, a scientific dissemination workshop in hydrogeology, that will take place in Galicia, under the direction of the research group “Agua y Suelo – AQUASOL” (Water and soil), belonging to CICA (Centro de Investigaciones Científicas Avanzadas) from the Universidade da Coruña

Poster of the Hydrogeoday workshop.

More info: http://www.aih-ge.org/

The focus will be in good practices for quality groundwater collection from small water supplies, which are quite abundant in rural areas.

The workshop is open to all kind of people and is free of charge. But places are limited and is necessary to enroll in advance via e-mail.

09:45 bus from A Coruña center, to Escuela de Caminos and later on to Abegondo townhall.

Pseudo science and bias information

Fake news is everywhere. Science-related pseudo facts have taken over the gossip sites and social media. And we are only at the beginning of an uphill battle to set the record straight. In this contribution, Melissa Hoover, shares her investigation on how people’s response to fake news makes it easier for such inaccurate stories to propagate at a rate that is way more important than fact-based news. Continue reading here.

Webinar of the Science Policy series: What does “open science” really mean?

On 3rd October 2017, 13:30 CET

“Open science”: never has a term been interpreted in so many different ways. The diversity of perspectives may reflect the paradigm shift in how science is done, which is encoded in these words. ‘Open science’ encompasses open access to journals, sharing of scientific data, easy reproducibility, and transparency in research evaluation, among many other aspects. Future perspectives include the “uberisation” of science, and the harnessing of social networks mechanisms in research. In this webinar, we will rely on important actors in the process of opening science to put order among these ideas. We will try to understand where academia is going, and how to engage more scholars in open science.

Making science count in policy making

The Marie Curie Alumni Association, in collaboration with EuroScientist, will be hosting a round-table with the participation of representatives of the most important stakeholders :

  • Julie Sainz, Policy Officer at the European Commission, Unit C.2 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
  • Ivo Grigorov, marine science researcher and member of the FOSTER project to promote open science education among researchers
  • Eva Méndez, professor of Information Science and member of the EC’s Open Science Policy Platform
  • Sascha Friesike, researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, focus on how technology can help in opening science and the role it can play in creative processes

The round table will be moderated by Dr. Michele Catanzaro (physicist, freelance science journalist for Nature, El Periódico, and other outlets).

The event is free but registration is required HERE.

¿A qué revista envío mi artículo? / To which journal should I submit my paper?

As a recent Ph.D., I know that getting research papers published can be a challenge. Nearly a third of visitors to “www.elsevier.com/authors” are trying to decide to which journal they ought to submit their paper. To help authors find the perfect journal match for their paper, elsevier has developed a new tool, called Journal Finder
  • Advantages:
    – Help less experienced researchers to select suitable journals for their papers enable researchers working across multidisciplinary fields to identify appropriate journals.
    – Highlight journals that offer open access options and provide information on publication speeds and impact factors.
  • How does the tool work?
You enter the paper title, abstract and/or keywords and the tool creates a list of Elsevier journals which match the topic of the article (the journals are only from Elsevier, not from other editorials such as ACS Publications, Springer or Copernicus). You can then order the results based on your priorities, such as highest Impact Factor or shortest editorial time. The results contains links to each journal’s homepage, to the aims and scope of the journal and to Elsevier Editorial Submission (EES) page (so you can directly view this useful information and go the submission process from here).

Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva

Hola a todas/os:
El VIERNES 1 de FEBRERO, a las 12h hay un seminarion de investigación en el salón de actos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales (C/José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006-Madrid)
Título:SECASOL project: direct and indirect effects of climatic variability on soil microbial communities and soil C fluxes”
     Impartido por: Dr. Jorge Curiel Yuste, Ramón y Cajal Fellow, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC)
          Resumen/Abstract:The aim of our talk will be to show an overview of the results obtained within the framework of SECASOL project. The central hypotheses of this project was that both direct effects (increasing summer droughts) and indirect effects (climate-change driven changes in forest structure and composition) of climate change in the Mediterranean basin would strongly affect microbial community ecology and functioning, and consequently affecting C cycles in these ecosystems. More in detail, activities within this project were: (1) To investigate possible effects of climate -change driven secondary succession on soil bacterial/fungal taxonomic composition as well as soil C dynamics in ecotonal forest. (2) To investigate possible effects of long-term droughts (10 years) on both structure and functioning (SOM decomposition) of soil microbial communities (3) To investigate the effects of secondary succession and drought on soil respiration and its different biological soil compartments (autotrophic, symbiotic and heterotrophic). We applied a very interdisciplinary approach for these purposes, combining state-of-the-art molecular methodologies (DNA pyrosequencing), 13C solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CP-MAS 13C NMR) to investigate changes in SOM composition, different techniques to study soil respiration (soda lime, IRGA and solid-state open path sensors) and methods to partition flux in its main biological compartments. Besides the observed high functional redundancy and resilience of soil microbial communities, our results points to mechanisms of plant-soil interactions as main controllers of soil C dynamics.
Si no podéis asistir, se puede seguir ‘online’: http://www.cienciatk.csic.es/
Toda la información sobre los seminarios de las próximas semanas en la web del Museo