Project Manager Assistant and Policy and Research Analyst – CONNECTS UK & EU

SRUK/CERU (Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom/Científicos Españoles en Reino Unido) are looking for a Project Manager Assistant to assist in the successful delivery of the project CONNECTS-UK (CONNecting European Communities Through Science in UK), the first pan-EU platform in the UK aimed at fostering research and scientific collaborations between the EU and the UK. They are also looking for a Policy and Research Analyst to conduct policy research and data analysis within the project CONNECTS-UK.

Two job vacancies for policy and research opportunities.

Find out more about the roles here (Project Manager Assistant) and here (Policy and Research Analyst) and apply before 10th November.

PostDoc in Environmental Mineralogy at GFZ (Postdam, Germany) within the ERC SyG “Deep Purple”

New position as Research Associate (PostDoc) in Environmental Mineralogy at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum/GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany. 

The ideal candidate a highly motivated and enthusiastic mineralogist who wants to develop her/his/their skills in a highly interdisciplinary work environment in order to obtain a holistic understanding of mineral-microbe-fluid-interactions in Earth Surface processes.
The successful candidate will contribute their specialist mineralogical skills in diffraction, scattering and spectroscopy to two main aspects related to low temperature (< 100 °C) mineral reactions:

(a) as part of the ERC Synergy grant “Deep Purple”, she/he/they will evaluate the variations in mineralogical composition of dust (and their interactions with black carbon and microbes) from surface snow and ice samples and determine the contribution of mineral dust to the darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
(b) as part of the Interface Geochemistry section, she/he/they will help to elucidate nucleation, growth and transformation of amorphous and crystalline phases.

She/he/they will join an international and diverse team of researchers led by Liane G. Benning, who is very committed to fostering a fully inclusive research environment. Non-discrimination and equal treatment are integral parts of the group policy. 

For further information, please visit


The London Postdoc Network (LPN) is organising a new online event about working at the bridge between Academia and Industry, with the aim to give Academic staff/PhD student s/Postdocs a good idea of what it is like to work in those two environments in parallel and how they can be complementary and rewarding.

There will be a 10 min presentation by the leadership programme: FLIER: Future Leaders in Innovation,Enterprise and Research, a panel discussion with two invited speakers and a Q&A session where you will be able to ask your questions:




Here is the Eventbrite link to register (Zoom link will follow your registration) and receive updates:

Scholarships for young researchers (degree in the last 5 yrs) to work in France

Make our planet great again is a research stay grant program for young researchers from any nationality, except French citizens, who obtained their degree less than 5 years ago in the following fields:

  • Earth system sciences.
  • Climate change and sustainability sciences.
  • Energy transition.
  • Societal challenges of environmental issues.
  • Human, animal and environmental health.

The scholarship (application deadline: 10 January 2022) will be awarded from September 2022, for a period of 12 months. The concepts for which the aid will be received are as follows:

  • A monthly allowance of €2,500.
  • 500 euros moving allowance.
  • Aid for social security coverage.
  • Aid for medical insurance.

On the occasion of the “OneOceanSummit” to be organized in France in February 2022, special attention will be given to ocean-related applications.

Open positions at PostDoc, PhD and Technician levels to work on carbon nanotubes as fillers in polymer composites

NANOCORE-IMDEA Nanociencia is a 15+ scientists, 3+M€, 3+ year collaboration between the group of Prof. Emilio M. Pérez at Madrid-based, Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, IMDEA Nanociencia, and the Danish nanotech company NANOCORE. They are using a novel and proprietary technology, developed during the course of ERC StG and PoC grants, to finally unleash the enormous potential of carbon nanotubes as fillers in polymer composites.

They are seeking smart and engaged scientists at the Research Scientist, PostDoc, PhD and Technician levels (several positions available), preferably with knowledge and experience in one or several of the following areas:

  • Polymer/composites chemistry and analysis
  • Materials science and engineering
  • Structure-property relationships in materials
  • Carbon nanotubes and graphene

REQUIRED EDUCATION LEVEL: Chemistry: Master Degree or equivalent


1. Research Scientist: More than four years postdoctoral experience in the specific topic.

2. PostDoc: PhD in chemistry completed when the position starts. Ability to demonstrate exceptional research accomplishments.

3. PhD: Master degree courses in chemistry, materials science, engineering or related discipline.

4. Technician: Technician or Superior Technician degree, in the framework of professional training

General Application Requirements

  • Applications should be sent electronically to
  • The subject of the mail should start with the profile followed by your family name and name (ie. subject: PostDoc Smith John).
  • One compressed file (in PDF format) including the following documents:
    • Motivation letter (max. 1 page),
    • Short curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages including the 5 most relevant papers and invited talks as well as the prizes or other major achievements, etc.)
    • For the Research Scientist, Postdoc and Technician position, names and contact details of at least two Referees.

Elsevier signed DORA and made articles available to support best research assessment indicators

After one year since the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA, for ensuring fair research output evaluations), Elsevier signed it last 16th of December, in their commitment to supporting the continued improvement of responsible use of metrics and indicators in research assessment best practice. This announcement builds on Elsevier endorsing the Leiden Manifesto earlier this year, which gives the research community clarity on how they will deliver improved research evaluation tools and indicators.

As part of it, Elsevier has agreed to make reference lists for all articles published in Elsevier and their society partners, openly available via Crossref so that they are available for reuse. Sharing reference data helps to support the discoverability of content and researchers’ work in managing citations. This means other important initiatives like I4OC can draw on this metadata.

Past initiatives were, (1) CiteScore (launched in 2016), for listening to feedback from researchers, research leaders, librarians and journal editors, (2) a new calculation methodology for 2019 CiteScore values, for faster and more robust comparisons of journals while retaining the comprehensive, current and clear methodology that is appreciated so much; or (3) CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), for acknowledging the specific contributions of each author in an article, aiming to encourage responsible authorship practices.

Information here

We want you!

We are looking for a student that wants to do a short research stay in The University of Sheffield, UK

The student should be highly motivated to do research and experimental, lab work.

This is a multidisciplinary project, that fits students from last years of bachelors to PhD degree, from degrees on environmental sciences, geotechnical engineering, chemistry, hydrology or geology .

Research Areas: Environmental Sciences, Geology, Hydrology, Geotechnical engineering, Chemistry.


Project Description

Title: Evaluation of recycled landfill barriers against pollution: from centrifuge scale to reality
Research topic of the short-stay period:
The dumping of waste produces a toxic liquid (namely leachate) that percolates downwards, polluting the surrounding areas and groundwater. To stop the migration of the leachate pollutants, barriers are required. The objective is to predict the performance of recycled and reactive barriers in the long term to build sustainable landfills. For this, we will use one of the biggest (2-m diameter) and most advanced geotechnical centrifuge ( There are only 30 centrifuge of this type in the world and no one in Spain. To mimic the landfill barriers, clays blended with recycled materials will be compacted until 3-10 cm height at their optimum moisture in a cylinder of 10 cm diameter. The compacted cylinders will be permeated with Manchester landfill leachate and gas (50% CO2) while spinning in the centrifuge, to ensure conditions similar to reality. The speed (gravities) and time of spinning (days) set in the centrifuge will provide equivalences to barriers of 2.5 m thickness max. and time of 30-100 years. After centrifugation, each cylinder will be sliced into 6-10 samples, representing different depths of the barrier. The porewater (obtained in aqueous extracts 1/2 -1/2.5 solid-to-liquid ratio after bench centrifugation and 0.45µm-filtration) will be analysed for pH and electrical conductivity (electrodes), major anions and ammonium (IC), metals and rest of major cations (ICP-MS) and carbon (TIC/TOC analyser). The barriers tested will then be ranked from the least to the most effective one. The effect of rainwater on the reversibility of the attenuation will be considered, too.
Knowledge, skills and competences acquired by the student at the end of the short-stay (expected Learning Outcomes):
S/he will:
– acquire scientific knowledge covering from fundamental research (namely experimental analysis of multi-component solute transport in compacted porous media) to applied research (namely geotechnical and geochemical engineering design of barrier systems from first principles)
– develop theoretical, practical and modelling skills in the evaluation and design of sustainable barrier systems to mitigate contaminant emissions from wastes disposal facilities
– access the noteworthy training offered by the host institution, such as:
—> research project, team-building and effective communication
—> academic and research writing in English, good publication practice guidelines and bibliometric analyses
—> effective presentations to different audiences using different media…
Monitoring plan: Available under request
Evaluation plan: Available under request
Benefits of the research short-stay to the host
In turn the student will provide relevant support in lab-scale experiments for studying the attenuation processes through landfill barriers. The supervisor will give continuous training to the student and transfer her/him unique analytical and technical skills, from the very first moment. This will ensure a rapid productive start of the student in the host institution, under appropriate knowledge and direct supervision. Specifically, student will help in the:
– preparation of barriers (homogenizing, sieving, blending, moistening, curing, compacting)
– geotechnical engineering tests (soil consistency and permeability)
– sampling of barriers after geotechnical centrifugation
– preparation of aqueous extracts and determination of moisture contents 
– sample preparation for chemical analyses

Winter School on Sustainable Waste Management

Deadline of Competition Submission: 30 September 2019 (Texas local time)

Participate in the Essay Competition for winning a full or a partial scholarship to attend the ISWA-SWIS Winter School Jan 2020. This is the only international, 2-week course about sustainable waste management, including modern landfills and landfill mining. It offers a good mix of theoretical lectures and practical site visits (have a look to the programme here!).

Spread the word around!

Two current lecturer posts – Sustainable civil and structural engineering – UK

Deadline for submitting applications: 24th of March.

Applications in the areas of infrastructure systems and civil engineering materials, overall applications from candidates with fresh ideas and the desire to make the world a better place, are welcome. Infrastructure systems could include areas of risk, resilience, complexity, economics, and smart and connect systems, with application to multiple infrastructure systems. Civil engineering materials to range from concrete, composite and new sustainable materials, to innovative construction processes, such as on-site robotics and automation.

All info here:

13 febrero – Feria Virtual de Carrera, organizada por ACNUR y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

La Unidad de Funcionarios Internacionales del MAUEC le invita a participar en la Feria Virtual de Carreras organizada por ACNUR y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, que tendrá lugar el 13 de febrero de 2019. Durante la feria podrá comunicar con responsables de reclutamiento de las organizaciones convocantes y obtener más información sobre las oportunidades que ofrecen en América Latina y el Caribe.

La feria está destinada a profesionales hispanohablantes con estudios universitarios nivel master o doctorado, buen nivel de inglés y una experiencia mínima de 5 años en alguno de los campos solicitados por los organizadores:

Administración de Programas y Proyectos, Arquitectura, Asuntos Económicos, Asuntos Humanitarios, Asuntos Políticos, Asuntos Sociales, Auditoría y Evaluación, Compras, Desarrollo, Gestión de Emergencias,  Educación, Información y Comunicación, Ingeniería, Logística, Medicina y Salud Pública, Seguridad, Migraciones y Refugiados, Relaciones Internacionales, , Informática y Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones.

Los profesionales interesados podrán participar desde sus ordenadores o dispositivos móviles en el lugar en que se encuentren.

La selección de los participantes se hará teniendo en cuenta los requisitos establecidos por las organizaciones invitadas.

Puede obtener más información y registrarse en