Article-Level Metrics (ALMs) the new way of measuring impact of articles

ALMs aim to quantify the usage (downloads, views), impact (citations), saves (bookmarks), and discussion (social media) of scholarly work at the article level. ALMs comprise a set of easy-to-understand real-time impact indicators that track how an article is read, discussed, or cited. In contrast, traditional ways of measuring impact usually operate at journal level, e.g. the Thomson Reuters journal impact factor.

The ALM information is visible under the Metrics tab available for all published articles. The usage is collected from individual accesses to the Copernicus library servers (robot traffic is filtered), the impact is counted from CrossRef and Google Scholar citations, the saves are counted from CiteULike and Mendeley, and the discussions are represented by Research Blogging, Facebook, ScienceSeeker, Nature Blogs, Wikipedia,, Reddit, and Google Blogs.

ALMs allow authors to stay up-to-date with the influence and reach of their published articles and share this information with peers, funding institutions and others. The Public Library of Science (PLOS) launched ALMs in 2009 and made their app available to other publishers. Now, from the end of October, Copernicus Publications implemented ALMs in their journals using the PLOS open source app. 

Hope that this new feature will be beneficial for your work! More information can be found here.

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